The “Duty Payment by Code Scanning” Achieved on Changping Passenger-Inspection Site in Dongguan City


The mode of “duty payment by code scanning” is achieved for inward passengers on Changping passenger-inspection site subordinate to Huangpu Customs.

On March 28, Ms. Chen, a shopper returning from Hong Kong, received customs inspection on the passenger-inspection site in Changping Town, Dongguan City. Her new handbag and shoes, just bought in Hong Kong, were both valued more than RMB 5,000 and thus subject to duty payment by customs regulations. With Ms. Chen showing 2D payment code on her handset, the onsite officers, subordinate to Huangpu Customs District, completed the clearance process within only 30 seconds by electronically scanning the code to finish the duty payment.

The success of the duty payment indicated that Changping passenger-inspection site took the lead in achieving the mode of “duty payment by code scanning” for inward passengers in Dongguan region. Afterwards, at Changping port, inward passengers can pay their duties on luggage and postal articles not only by RMB cash or swiping bank cards but also by scanning the codes of “Alipay” or “WeChat” on their handsets, thus speeding up their clearance.