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  Customs Statistics

Customs statistics refers to the process where Customs conducts statistics compilation and comprehensive analysis of such items as the description, quantity, weight, price, country (region) of origin, legal entity, domestic destination, domestic place of origin, trade method, transport means and relevant Customs districts (houses) of the import and export goods by collecting, sorting and processing import & export declarations or other documents verified and approved by Customs so as to reflect comprehensively and accurately the faring tendency of foreign trade, conduct early-warning import & export monitoring and provide information services for national macro-economic decision-making and the development of foreign trade. Customs statistics is one of the categories of State statistics prescribed by law. The General Administration of Customs issues monthly basic statistical data of China's foreign trade and provides statistical data and consultancy services. It provides periodically monthly and yearly statistics data of China's foreign trade for the United Nations Statistics Bureau, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the WTO and other relevant international organizations. China Customs is renowned for its timely data release, which is among the world-best.

China Customs has improved its work on statistics compilation steadily. It has realized real-time monitoring, fast response, scientific anticipation, and dynamic early warning over imports and exports. The work has gained wide attention from the society. The enforcement assessment system adopted by China Customs has also produced positive effects, playing a very important role in the promotion of China’s foreign trade and the improvement of Customs management. In 2008, Customs statistics provided timely and reliable information services for the macro economic control and the development of foreign trade. Its role of surveillance and early warning has been reinforced.

In 2009, China Customs improves its work on the analysis and early-warning of macro economic tendencies and deepens its study of the changes in China’s foreign trade pattern against the backdrop of the global financial crisis in an effort to provide on its own initiative references and basis for the decision making of the central government and the operations of the enterprises.

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