(4) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, May 2022 (in CNY)

(4) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, May 2022 (in CNY)
Unit: CNY 100 Million
Import Source Export & Import Export Import 1-to-5 Total Year-on-Year (±%)
Export Destination 5 1- to-5 5 1-to-5 5 1-to-5 Export & Import Export Import
Total 34,500.3  160,373.6  19,764.6  89,436.5  14,735.7  70,937.0  8.3 11.4 4.7
  European Union 4,692.1  22,039.7  3,086.1  14,473.9  1,605.9  7,565.8  7.0  17.4  -8.5 
       of which: Germany 1,258.8  5,976.2  619.1  3,009.9  639.8  2,966.3  -0.7  7.1  -7.6 
                 Netherlands 683.4  3,285.0  613.9  2,946.3  69.6  338.8  17.1  21.4  -10.7 
                 France 436.7  2,118.4  258.7  1,221.5  178.0  896.9  -0.6  9.1  -11.4 
                 Italy 440.5  2,100.0  302.9  1,401.9  137.6  698.2  13.5  36.1  -14.9 
   United States (US) 4,345.8  19,990.2  3,325.8  15,097.5  1,019.9  4,892.7  10.1  12.9  2.1 
   ASEAN  5,246.2  23,669.6  3,163.6  13,489.4  2,082.6  10,180.2  8.1  12.0  3.4 
        of which: Vietnam 1,312.7  5,760.6  932.5  3,708.7  380.2  2,051.9  -4.3  0.3  -11.6 
                  Malaysia 1,029.8  4,953.7  491.2  2,212.3  538.6  2,741.4  14.5  23.8  8.0 
                  Thailand 773.6  3,486.7  438.9  1,978.2  334.7  1,508.5  4.1  13.0  -5.7 
                  Singapore 544.0  2,438.7  365.1  1,496.0  178.9  942.7  2.4  8.9  -6.4 
                  Indonesia 810.5  3,637.1  395.2  1,771.5  415.2  1,865.7  28.0  22.8  33.3 
                  Philippines 501.5  2,134.9  363.8  1,509.4  137.6  625.6  9.3  9.5  8.9 
   Japan 1,853.7  9,363.2  927.0  4,389.2  926.7  4,974.0  -3.3  1.8  -7.4 
   Hong Kong, China 1,566.2  7,531.0  1,538.8  7,368.6  27.3  162.3  -11.4  -10.7  -35.3 
   R. O. Korea 2,057.7  9,707.1  992.6  4,199.1  1,065.1  5,508.0  8.2  14.8  3.6 
   Taiwan, China 1,760.6  8,773.3  503.7  2,238.1  1,256.9  6,535.2  9.6  13.8  8.2 
   Australia 1,203.2  5,525.9  376.3  1,871.9  826.8  3,654.0  -4.5  19.3  -13.3 
   Russian Federation 937.7  4,198.0  278.7  1,567.0  658.9  2,631.0  26.5  5.2  43.9 
   India 732.6  3,442.5  634.5  2,946.9  98.1  495.6  10.0  26.5  -38.1 
   United Kingdom (UK) 541.7  2,658.2  429.9  2,023.9  111.8  634.3  -5.2  -4.3  -8.1 
   Canada 477.7  2,132.0  311.4  1,405.2  166.4  726.9  9.3  19.6  -6.4 
   New Zealand 148.7  694.1  48.2  224.9  100.5  469.2  6.3  13.1  3.4 
   Latin America 2,769.8  12,007.5  1,380.4  6,116.8  1,389.3  5,890.7  10.4  15.4  5.6 
         of which: Brazil 1,061.1  4,150.0  352.7  1,470.0  708.5  2,680.0  7.3  18.4  2.1 
   Africa 1,560.7  7,067.3  899.1  3,865.9  661.6  3,201.3  13.9  11.3  17.2 
         of which: South Africa 267.0  1,286.5  133.4  576.0  133.7  710.4  -5.0  17.0  -17.5 
1.The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) includes: Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam;
2.The European Union (EU) includes: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia;
3.From February 1, 2020, the EU trade value does not include UK data, with adjustment made in year-on-year data thereof.

General Administrator of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730