(4) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, June 2022 (in CNY)

(4) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, June 2022 (in CNY)
Unit: CNY 100 Million
Import Source Export & Import Export Import 1-to-6 Total Year-on-Year (±%)
Export Destination 6 1- to-6 6 1-to-6 6 1-to-6 Export & Import Export Import
Total 37,657.3  198,021.8  22,079.2  111,416.7  15,578.1  86,605.1  9.4 13.2 4.8
  European Union 5,020.1  27,054.9  3,357.5  17,826.0  1,662.7  9,228.9  7.5  18.0  -8.2 
       of which: Germany 1,323.8  7,298.9  703.3  3,712.0  620.5  3,586.8  -0.2  8.6  -7.9 
                 Netherlands 740.4  4,024.4  674.1  3,619.4  66.3  405.0  17.8  22.3  -11.7 
                 France 473.6  2,591.0  284.4  1,505.2  189.2  1,085.8  0.1  10.7  -11.6 
                 Italy 481.1  2,580.4  312.2  1,713.7  168.9  866.8  14.0  35.9  -13.6 
   United States (US) 4,706.5  24,684.4  3,733.4  18,819.0  973.1  5,865.5  11.7  14.8  2.6 
   ASEAN  5,847.8  29,499.7  3,471.5  16,935.4  2,376.3  12,564.3  10.6  15.7  4.5 
        of which: Vietnam 1,353.5  7,110.6  873.0  4,578.1  480.4  2,532.6  -2.3  2.7  -10.2 
                  Malaysia 1,289.7  6,238.6  631.8  2,834.3  657.9  3,404.3  17.3  29.1  9.1 
                  Thailand 886.3  4,370.4  498.5  2,474.2  387.8  1,896.2  7.7  17.6  -3.0 
                  Singapore 623.1  3,057.6  439.5  1,931.2  183.6  1,126.4  6.2  16.7  -8.1 
                  Indonesia 844.1  4,481.0  435.1  2,205.1  409.1  2,275.9  28.7  24.5  33.0 
                  Philippines 557.1  2,690.1  413.2  1,920.9  143.9  769.2  10.5  11.6  7.9 
   Japan 2,046.2  11,403.6  988.8  5,376.0  1,057.4  6,027.6  -2.9  3.5  -8.1 
   Hong Kong, China 1,913.6  9,423.0  1,867.9  9,215.0  45.7  208.0  -9.9  -9.2  -33.0 
   R. O. Korea 2,156.0  11,847.4  1,051.9  5,234.9  1,104.1  6,612.5  8.5  17.4  2.4 
   Taiwan, China 1,861.8  10,619.0  509.2  2,746.6  1,352.6  7,872.5  8.5  15.4  6.4 
   Australia 1,279.9  6,842.6  448.9  2,319.8  830.9  4,522.8  -4.0  20.7  -13.1 
   Russian Federation 985.5  5,190.8  332.9  1,899.2  652.5  3,291.6  26.2  1.2  47.2 
   India 871.7  4,313.2  751.9  3,697.3  119.8  615.8  15.5  33.3  -35.9 
   United Kingdom (UK) 586.8  3,244.9  471.7  2,494.0  115.2  750.9  -4.8  -3.0  -10.3 
   Canada 556.0  2,687.2  359.0  1,762.7  197.1  924.5  10.4  20.4  -4.6 
   New Zealand 135.6  829.8  49.4  274.2  86.1  555.6  6.4  15.6  2.5 
   Latin America 3,177.9  15,218.7  1,634.3  7,749.1  1,543.6  7,469.6  13.9  19.1  8.9 
         of which: Brazil 1,112.5  5,291.8  392.1  1,862.0  720.3  3,429.8  8.1  23.2  1.4 
   Africa 1,760.6  8,833.3  1,075.4  4,937.0  685.3  3,896.3  15.6  13.7  18.1 
         of which: South Africa 342.9  1,634.2  136.7  713.3  206.2  920.9  -1.6  16.7  -12.2 
1.The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) includes: Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam;
2.The European Union (EU) includes: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia;
3.From February 1, 2020, the EU trade value does not include UK data, with adjustment made in year-on-year data thereof.

General Administrator of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730