(18)Import of Selected Commodities by Major Customs Regimes,11.2019

(18)Import of Selected Commodities by Major Customs Regimes, 11. 2019
Unit: US$1,000
                    Commodities/Customs Regimes Quantity Unit  Ordinary Trade Processing Trade Bonded logistics Other
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Fresh or dried fruits and nuts 10000T 597  9,044,900  10  581,440  389,888  45  201,078 
38.1 34.3 38.6 60.4 -7.6 148.5 -34.7 -38.2
Cereals and cereal flour 10000T 1,397  4,144,871  106  238,083  85  220,935  12,024 
-21.5 -19.5 5.3 3.6 91.1 70.6 -53.2 -59.2
 Soya beans 10000T 7,477  29,804,907  136  558,291  223  886,235  61  198,094 
-2.6 -10.3 -37.5 -40.5 -16.3 -22.5 -15.1 -14.0
Edible vegetable oil 10000T 757  5,044,438  46,454  97  603,448  16,860 
56.8 37.0 62.6 41.8 48.0 24.3 -5.6 -12.7
Iron ores and concentrates 10000T 87,346  84,212,633  154  162,768  8,081  7,589,364  1,193  629,407 
-2.1 32.3 1316.1 1456.5 6.7 43.4 22.0 36.2
'Copper ores and concentrates 10000T 1,350  20,696,908  416  6,807,305  241  3,626,263  3,709 
10.6 6.2 6.3 -0.9 13.8 8.4 4.1 39.4
Coal and lignite 10000T 26,840  20,756,366  2,035  377  449,925  2,484  1,993,917 
10.6 -4.3 -1.8 11.0 42.0 9.2 -5.9 4.3
Crude petroleum oil 10000T 35,333  168,107,984  3,552  17,208,548  7,139  33,827,121  - -
7.6 -2.4 14.4 6.0 21.4 10.4 - -
Refined petroleum products 10000T 960  5,977,022  12  123,484  1,750  9,097,996  15,115 
2.8 -14.7 -44.1 -42.6 -16.2 -18.4 -27.7 -36.6
Fuel oils No.5-7 10000T 167  763,614  - - 1,109  4,959,070  - -
171.6 167.6 - - -23.2 -24.2 - -
Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocabons 10000T 8,104  35,953,373  77  238,554  62  282,243  468  1,368,427 
2.1 8.1 -9.3 -11.2 50.3 33.6 784.1 1098.7
Medical and pharmaceutical products T 87,330  14,179,771  6,408  1,083,901  48,381  16,761,786  419  284,180 
3.7 7.9 32.6 -4.1 -4.1 36.2 -6.1 14.3
Mineral or chemical fertilizer 10000T 879  2,854,174  105  311,362  55  146,387 
27.1 43.0 170.6 -13.5 112.0 109.1 -41.9 -34.0
Plastics in primary forms 10000T 2,526  34,708,105  594  10,110,654  222  3,767,092  36,340 
20.0 -0.8 -9.8 -18.8 -8.0 -18.0 -60.7 -39.6
Natural and synthetic rubber(incl. Latex) 10000T 358  5,421,672  112  1,803,460  114  1,747,945  8,505 
-8.7 -13.0 -17.1 -20.1 14.8 8.2 -93.4 -92.9
Wood in the rough and in lengthwise slice 10000CUM 7,386  14,070,109  98  298,031  146  293,849  1,326  1,987,399 
7.3 -13.4 -30.0 -27.0 37.6 40.8 -22.0 -23.6
Pulp 10000T 1,603  10,462,777  338  2,178,849  543  3,241,157  17  105,909 
-2.4 -22.0 -1.9 -15.6 88.1 53.0 -33.9 -50.3
Textile yarn,fabrics and made-up articles - 8,328,185  - 5,427,840  - 611,455  - 53,984 
- -9.1 - -18.1 - -11.2 - -4.4
Products of steel or iron 10000T 789  8,749,816  272  3,251,105  21  627,746  57,478 
-13.6 -22.3 -2.5 -0.5 -12.4 3.0 24.4 -29.2
Unwrought copper and copper products 10000T 307  19,483,037  78  5,669,222  61  3,989,574  5,323 
-4.3 -12.2 -16.1 -21.5 -17.8 -23.1 -3.7 18.4
Waste and scrap of metals, plastics and paper 10000T 1,076  9,512,792  185  1,451,740  - - - -
-36.5 -30.2 -28.1 -8.5 - - - -
Machine-tool N 45,734 5,901,275  249 4,926  3,282 355,179  1,916 488,298 
-29.2 -21.9 16.4 -64.0 -52.8 -26.8 -80.6 -50.9
Automatic data processing machines and units 10000N 9,634  10,024,462  13,152  5,379,624  23,314  13,759,441  52  121,859 
6.8 -5.4 -0.5 -17.5 11.0 4.1 26.1 -28.7
Diodes and similar semiconductors Million N 148,024  6,759,855  166,793  6,402,658  121,190  4,507,552  227  41,460 
-2.2 -14.4 -21.5 -16.2 -1.5 -0.8 -41.9 -55.4
Electronic integrated circuits Million N 155,449  74,180,132  183,674  133,546,278  60,940  69,867,186  455  268,526 
18.5 1.2 -6.5 -13.3 -1.3 10.1 15.7 36.8
Motor vehicles and chassis with engines 10000N 83  37,945,326  118,504  13  6,326,490  162,896 
-10.3 -6.9 -18.5 -28.9 0.2 -0.6 38.8 102.6
Auto parts and accessories - 25,139,439  - 1,561,906  - 1,019,068  - 40,922 
- -16.0 - -11.9 - -11.2 - 19.0
Aircraft of an unladen weight exceeding 2 tons N 47 817,236  7 349,854  131 10,996,489  26 2,114,566 
-46.0 -73.8 -56.3 -73.9 -51.8 -32.8 -16.1 -23.1
Liquid crystal display panel 10000N 59,676  2,141,771  107,204  15,138,556  9,524  1,909,895  48  9,222 
16.4 -31.9 -18.6 -15.0 -46.5 -41.0 -41.4 -32.5
*Agriculture products - 114,685,971  - 5,863,821  - 12,590,938  - 1,017,265 
- 9.2 - -12.6 - 3.9 - -22.1
*Mechanical and electrical products - 356,802,996  - 274,939,272  - 173,240,338  - 18,948,896 
- -8.8 - -13.0 - 1.8 - 11.5
*Hi-tech products - 191,685,985  - 224,351,699  - 147,925,653  - 14,317,466 
- -7.3 - -13.7 - 4.3 - 14.7
*Cultural products - 5,675,912  - 2,000,040  - 2,668,135  - 103,191 
- 6.9 - -25.3 - 178.1 - -7.0
Note: 1. Figures in dark area refer to the percentage change over the same period of the previous year. 2. Please refer to the annex 1 of Issue January for the specific coverage of each category of the selected commodities listed in this table. 3. The term "Processing trade" covers  customs regimes of "processing and assembly" and "processing with imported materials", while the "Bonded Logistics" covers "customs warehousing trade" and logisitcs goods by customs special control area", and "Other" covers all the other customs regimes listed in Table 5 of this Issue. Please refer to the Explainary Note for the definitions of the above mentioned customs regimes. 


General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730