(3) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, January-February 2020 (in USD)

(3) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, January-February 2020 (in USD)
Unit: USD1 Million  
Import Source Export&Import Export Import 1-2 Total Year-on-Year (±%)
Export Destination 1-2 Total 1-2 Total 1-2 Total Export&Import Export Import
Total 591,992.8  292,448.6  299,544.2  -11.0 -17.2 -4.0
  European Union 79,971.9  45,278.1  34,693.7  -15.5 -18.4 -11.4
       of which: Germany 23,484.3  9,624.2  13,860.0  -19.4 -24.1 -15.8
                 Netherlands 10,349.7  8,635.3  1,714.5  -12.4 -15.8 9.9
                 France 8,220.8  4,236.6  3,984.1  -22.8 -15.7 -29.1
                 Italy 6,837.5  4,098.8  2,738.7  -16.2 -18.5 -12.5
   United States (US) 60,571.8  42,971.9  17,599.9  -20.9 -27.7 2.5
   ASEAN  85,320.6  44,330.0  40,990.7  0.5 -5.1 7.2
        of which: Vietnam 20,274.1  11,235.0  9,039.1  8.9 -0.9 24.2
                  Malaysia 17,325.3  6,360.4  10,964.9  4.8 -8.5 14.5
                  Thailand 12,120.6  6,030.0  6,090.6  -6.5 -3.6 -9.3
                  Singapore 12,449.4  7,476.5  4,972.9  -5.3 -4.8 -6.1
                  Indonesia 11,134.7  5,260.6  5,874.1  -3.0 -16.3 13.0
                  Philippines 7,598.2  5,189.9  2,408.3  -3.1 2.0 -12.5
   Japan 39,543.7  17,035.8  22,507.9  -16.6 -24.5 -9.3
   Hong Kong, China 30,118.5  29,141.2  977.4  -20.9 -20.4 -33.7
   R. O. Korea 37,662.0  13,532.3  24,129.6  -12.2 -18.6 -8.1
   Taiwan, China 31,214.8  7,562.7  23,652.1  -2.4 1.1 -3.4
   Australia 24,552.7  5,682.3  18,870.4  -3.1 -19.0 3.0
   Russian Federation 17,193.9  6,010.2  11,183.7  5.6 -15.4 21.7
   India 12,214.6  9,616.0  2,598.5  -13.7 -13.9 -13.0
   United Kingdom (UK) 9,792.3  6,635.9  3,156.4  -24.9 -29.3 -13.8
   Canada 6,925.0  3,925.7  2,999.3  -35.8 -28.8 -43.2
   New Zealand 3,022.3  666.0  2,356.2  0.2 -17.5 6.6
   Latin America 45,456.7  18,496.0  26,960.6  -8.4 -12.2 -5.7
         of which: Brazil 16,754.1  4,664.4  12,089.7  -4.9 -3.8 -5.3
   Africa 26,603.7  13,704.0  12,899.8  -17.8 -13.8 -21.7
         of which: South Africa 5,011.5  1,880.5  3,131.0  -22.8 -22.9 -22.7
1.The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) includes: Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam;
2.The European Union (EU) includes: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia;
3.From February 1, 2020, the EU trade value does not include UK data, with adjustment made in year-on-year data thereof.

General Administrator of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730