(7) Imports by Type Enterprise and by Customs Regime,1-12.2019

(7) Imports by Type Enterprise and by Customs Regime,1-12.2019
Unit: US$1,000
                   Customs regime/ Type of Enterprise Total  SOE FIE POE Other
Value/±% Value/±% Value/±% Value/±% Value/±% Value/±% Value/±% Value/±%
TOTAL 2,077,097,114  536,856,773  857,848,367  4,051,873  237,091,522  616,704,972  637,249,613  45,142,361 
-2.7 -1.9 -7.9 -8.3 -9.1 -7.5 4.2 0.3
Ordinary Trade 1,256,736,513  437,638,007  395,754,219  2,687,372  121,059,034  272,007,813  395,098,087  28,246,200 
-1.4 -0.8 -4.8 3.9 -7.2 -3.8 2.1 -6.0
Aid or Donation Between Government or by International Organizations 1,184  27  - - - - 348  809 
-75.4 -99.3 - - - - -42.2 745.0
Other Donation 15,459  483  1,172  - - 1,172  2,462  11,342 
-77.7 -97.6 -87.4 - - - -86.5 -47.2
Processing and Assembling 89,759,875  19,082,964  59,220,325  739,288  11,267,581  47,213,456  11,218,550  238,036 
-2.1 9.1 -7.3 -17.6 -24.7 -1.6 12.0 -30.5
Process with Imported Materials 327,540,911  9,821,268  263,246,009  602,038  62,134,801  200,509,169  53,271,434  1,202,200 
-13.4 -5.9 -15.9 -33.0 -15.5 -15.9 -1.1 6.8
Border Trade 9,180,122  1,524,543  - - - - 7,637,704  17,874 
-0.5 317.4 - - - - -13.1 -76.6
Equipment for Processing Trade  394,088  1,747  341,347  61  97,746  243,540  50,994  -
-62.9 -83.0 -65.4 -59.9 -19.0 -71.9 -22.1 -
Goods on Lease 3,967,508  1,057,173  2,314,646  177  1,702,303  612,166  595,251  438 
-4.8 7.0 4.7 -96.4 -22.5 6545.7 -35.4 -99.1
Equipment or Materia Imported as I by Foreign-Invested Enterprises 5,317,737  - 5,317,737  3,661  3,173,702  2,140,373  - -
51.3 - 51.3 -17.9 178.3 -9.7 - -
Outward Processing  285,200  61,081  81,750  - 42,143  39,607  142,269  100 
-5.1 8.8 -42.2 - -15.3 -56.8 38.4 137.3
Duty-free Commoditie on Payment of  Currency  40,301  40,301  - - - - - -
59.7 59.7 - - - - - -
Duty-free Goods 3,261,880  2,615,742  644,969  - 644,969  - 1,169  -
31.5 38.1 10.5 - 14.0 - -59.6 -
Customs Warehousing Trade 143,836,143  45,907,935  26,702,132  3,015  20,290,159  6,408,958  69,533,173  1,692,904 
-4.1 -19.3 1.7 -31.0 6.9 -11.8 6.3 16.3
Logistics Goods by C ustoms Special Control Area 209,994,671  18,660,147  94,120,421  10,947  13,140,969  80,968,505  97,153,134  60,970 
7.0 6.5 -1.5 -22.9 -17.6 1.7 17.2 -76.0
Equipment Imported into Customs Special Control Area 9,130,854  70,180  8,432,967  439  3,185,582  5,246,946  627,202  505 
7.3 -16.4 7.4 165.3 24.7 -0.9 8.6 216.3
Other 17,634,670  375,175  1,670,674  4,874  352,532  1,313,268  1,917,837  13,670,983 
11.4 32.7 -17.7 -24.7 16.7 -23.7 2.3 17.4


1.  The abbreviations shown in the table refer to:       SOE=State-owned Enterprise       FIE=Foreign-invested Enterprise       CJV=Sino-foreign Contractual Joint Venture       EJV= Sino-foreign Equity Joint Venture       FOE=Foreign-owned Enterprise       POE=Private-owned Enterprise;

2.  Figures in shaded areas refer to the percentage change over the same period in the previous year;

3.  Since 2013, the “CE” column has been replaced by “POE” and the coverage of “Other” as well as percentage changes is adjusted accordingly;

4.  Since 2014, duty-free goods is included in the Customs Statistics. For more information, please see the explanatory note;

5.  Since 2018, "Compensation Trade, Goods on Consignment, Barter Trade" are included in "Other" announcements.


General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730