(4) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, March 2019 (in CNY)

(4) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, March 2019 (in CNY)
Unit: CNY 100 Million
Import Source Export & Import Export Import Jan-Mar Total Year-on-Year (±%)
Export Destination March Jan-Mar in Total March Jan-Mar in Total March Jan-Mar in Total Export & Import Export Import
Total 24,625.5  70,051.1  13,418.9  37,673.9  11,206.6  32,377.2  3.7 6.7 0.3
  European Union 3,713.6  11,085.8  2,233.0  6,679.6  1,480.7  4,406.2  11.5 14.4 7.3
         Incl: Germany 1,005.4  2,999.6  436.6  1,307.3  568.8  1,692.3  8.9 15.8 4.0
                 Netherlands 452.6  1,262.9  381.6  1,086.1  71.0  176.7  -0.3 3.5 -18.8
               United Kingdom 435.6  1,328.8  317.3  960.9  118.3  367.9  19.1 27.9 1.0
               France 326.4  1,052.7  161.6  504.2  164.8  548.5  23.2 13.3 33.9
               Italy 286.9  846.0  172.4  516.7  114.5  329.3  4.8 6.7 2.0
   United States 2,913.5  8,158.6  2,149.9  6,224.3  763.6  1,934.3  -11.0 -3.7 -28.3
   ASEAN  3,528.7  9,345.5  2,067.5  5,282.6  1,461.2  4,062.9  8.1 15.6 -0.4
         Incl: Vietnam 894.6  2,168.9  586.7  1,365.0  307.9  803.9  4.3 18.1 -13.0
               Malaysia 673.3  1,798.4  293.5  772.5  379.9  1,025.9  14.4 18.7 11.3
               Thailand 490.9  1,379.6  243.6  673.4  247.3  706.2  3.3 2.6 4.0
               Singapore 501.9  1,407.2  316.2  859.9  185.7  547.3  9.9 15.3 2.3
               Indonesia 441.9  1,229.0  265.4  697.6  176.5  531.3  4.3 14.7 -6.8
               Philippines 333.8  871.2  225.2  575.7  108.6  295.5  12.2 23.9 -5.3
   Japan 1,813.4  5,055.5  861.7  2,407.8  951.7  2,647.7  3.2 8.0 -0.8
   Hong Kong, China 1,675.6  4,287.0  1,621.5  4,131.9  54.1  155.1  -1.2 -2.4 49.6
   R. O. Korea 1,639.5  4,571.6  642.1  1,782.5  997.4  2,789.1  -2.0 11.2 -9.0
   Taiwan, China 1,234.0  3,418.4  317.1  830.1  916.9  2,588.3  2.8 17.2 -1.1
   Australia 883.0  2,585.1  269.7  752.0  613.2  1,833.1  11.3 15.6 9.7
   India 504.8  1,477.4  404.9  1,173.5  99.9  303.9  3.4 3.6 2.5
   Russian Federation 548.0  1,647.8  241.7  727.2  306.3  920.7  9.8 9.1 10.3
   Canada 358.4  1,097.8  200.3  579.4  158.0  518.4  30.1 27.8 32.7
   New Zealand 95.3  301.4  31.6  86.9  63.8  214.5  10.8 11.0 10.7
   Latin America 1,540.3  4,918.2  752.5  2,199.5  787.8  2,718.6  15.8 7.0 24.0
         Incl: Brazil 517.5  1,709.5  166.4  499.1  351.1  1,210.4  21.4 3.4 30.7
   Africa 1,042.8  3,249.0  543.8  1,639.5  499.0  1,609.5  7.6 11.5 3.8
         Incl: South Africa 213.3  656.7  82.9  250.7  130.4  406.0  1.6 6.9 -1.4

General Administrator of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730