(6)Exports by Type Enterprise and by Customs Regime,1-4.2024
6Exports by Type Enterprise and by Customs Regime1-4.2024
               Type of Enterprise
   Customs regime
Total  SOE FIE POE Other
Value/±% Value/±% Value/±% Value/±% Value/±%
TOTAL  1,099,570,361 83,880,120 301,875,513 698,742,114 15,072,613
1.5 -3.9 -5.4 5.9 -14.5
Ordinary Trade  724,049,715 52,753,823 131,207,786 527,322,422 12,765,685
3.1 -8.2 2.9 5.1 -16.9
Aid or Donation Between Government or by International Organizations  193,331 150,046 - 25,567 17,718
5.9 1.6 - 15.8 39.1
Other Donation 1,325 14 - 757 554
-75.4 -99.2 - -63.0 -45.1
Processing and Assembling 21,918,731 486,309 16,015,838 5,325,183 91,401
-2.0 -7.7 -2.9 1.2 29.0
Process with Imported Materials 189,643,316 11,899,416 129,339,643 47,402,605 1,001,652
-7.6 22.9 -13.3 4.7 -10.1
Border Trade 16,374,360 586,401 2,294 15,782,991 2,675
35.8 581.3 18.5 31.9 7.9
Contracting Projects  4,188,538 3,174,738 215,732 776,527 21,541
7.5 -1.7 43.2 63.7 -46.6
Goods on Lease 1,385,422 142,664 124,389 1,118,369 -
353.7 8.4 1344.1 590.0 -
Outward Processing  317,500 3,652 216,419 97,377 52
194.3 -54.2 361.2 85.8 -90.9
Customs Warehousing Trade 22,370,634 9,762,496 2,977,291 9,442,357 188,490
-2.6 -5.3 -22.2 9.2 0.9
Logistics Goods by Customs Special Control Area 80,097,573 4,855,504 21,193,268 54,047,534 1,267
11.2 -12.4 -1.0 19.9 -63.3
Other 39,029,917 65,058 582,855 37,400,425 981,578
-7.9 -47.5 42.7 -8.8 19.1
1、The abbreviations shown in the table refer to:
      SOE=State-owned Enterprise
      FIE=Foreign-invested Enterprise
      POE=Private-owned Enterprise
2、Figures in shaded areas refer to the percentage change over the same period in the previous year.
3、Since 2013, the “CE” column has been replaced by “POE” and the coverage of “Other” as well as percentage changes is adjusted accordingly.
4、Since 2018, Compensation Trade、Goods on Consignment Barter Trade are included in Other Trade announcements.
5、Since 2021, exports by  foreign-invested enterprises are released in aggregation.


General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730