(18)Import of Selected Commodities by Major Customs Regimes,5.2024
(18)Import of Selected Commodities by Major Customs Regimes,5.2024
                    Customs Regimes
 Ordinary Trade Processing Trade Bonded logistics Other
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Agriculture products* - - 80,474,580 - 3,313,521 - 6,909,899 - 695,745
- -10.7 - 1.9 - 0.7 - -13.3
    Meat(including meat offal
10000T 265 9,361,517 5 98,775 8 325,095 0 3,769
-11.9 -16.4 8.8 -22.7 -3.3 -0.6 -82.9 -74.4
    Fresh or dried fruit and nuts
10000T 364 8,666,302 3 129,752 7 325,545 9 183,697
9.2 9.6 42.6 -11.5 49.9 46.4 32.7 12.2
    Grain food 10000T 6,214 27,225,475 450 1,410,862 193 789,331 28 118,614
3.3 -18.0 91.9 41.1 -21.2 -31.8 -34.9 -42.0
        Soya beans 10000T 3,499 18,579,846 102 522,409 115 580,203 21 98,667
-6.8 -23.5 46.8 19.1 22.0 -5.0 -35.9 -40.6
    Edible vegetable oil 10000T 262 2,614,331 1 11,429 23 227,215 0 4,322
-25.1 -37.7 -21.0 -17.6 4.4 -7.7 -63.0 -72.2
Iron ores and concentrates 10000T 47,721 57,879,535 - - 3,345 4,141,845 309 209,680
5.8 10.7 - - 30.8 34.5 1.9 9.8
Copper ores and concentrates 10000T 694 15,299,958 236 5,599,572 230 4,833,147 0 64
2.7 3.1 -19.3 -16.9 42.8 43.3 -99.1 -96.2
Coal and lignite
10000T 18,971 19,291,816 - - 265 361,868 1,261 1,178,050
13.3 -8.8 - - -20.3 -44.8 11.8 -18.8
Crude petroleum oils 10000T 17,076 104,057,452 1,348 8,160,495 4,479 26,777,711 0 1
-6.0 -3.0 23.1 21.7 19.6 25.5 - -
Refined petroleum products 10000T 908 6,024,469 4 51,630 1,298 7,202,417 0 521
-1.3 -2.0 35.9 25.1 41.4 53.5 54.8 72.0
Natural gases 10000T 5,205 25,573,524 - - 223 1,205,087 0 22
15.9 -1.6 - - 71.1 21.0 -99.5 -99.3
Rare-earth ore, metals and compounds T 36,593 251,143 355 22,067 451 15,219 25,191 437,226
-17.5 -23.6 75.1 8.2 -67.2 -54.5 -7.1 -30.1
Medicinal materials and pharmaceutical products T 114,768 6,138,106 3,631 363,870 33,924 14,078,286 2,569 338,933
13.1 -3.1 43.2 -15.9 -12.1 -12.7 -76.7 7.4
Fertilizers 10000T 428 1,481,767 0 6 140 447,677 55 177,769
49.4 -10.8 3073.2 2146.8 -4.1 -42.4 11.7 -11.7
Make-ups or personal care and toiletries T 71,859 3,509,460 2,307 65,593 55,581 3,012,095 1,178 521,183
-18.7 -8.3 -17.5 0.7 -5.2 -9.2 -42.3 -47.8
Plastics in primary forms 10000T 936 13,674,519 159 2,601,387 103 1,753,859 0 17,403
1.4 -3.4 3.7 -0.4 -3.0 -7.8 -43.7 -5.4
Natural and synthetic rubber(including Latex) 10000T 157 2,530,289 57 941,260 67 1,059,748 1 6,132
-16.7 -9.1 -4.9 2.3 -24.0 -16.4 -36.2 -18.2
Wood in the rough and wood sawn lengthwise,sliced or peeled 10000CUM 2,594 5,345,392 14 46,320 19 42,011 158 338,401
0.2 -2.0 -19.6 -20.2 -51.8 -47.5 -9.1 0.9
Paper pulp 10000T 1,196 7,510,401 208 1,252,235 118 859,502 1 2,676
9.3 -10.1 48.1 23.2 -46.0 -49.7 -22.6 -46.1
Textile yarn, fabrics and articles thereof - - 2,844,380 - 1,272,459 - 451,375 - 23,634
- 5.1 - -0.7 - 39.3 - -7.3
Products, of steel or iron 10000T 205 3,399,227 87 1,267,864 12 365,214 0 14,044
-3.8 -8.4 1.2 -1.9 -11.5 -6.8 -12.5 14.6
Unwrought copper and copper products T 1,357,515 12,107,159 307,895 2,963,309 660,840 6,020,822 597 6,772
17.2 21.4 0.7 1.3 -0.7 1.3 -92.8 -90.8
Mechanical and electrical products
- - 166,668,747 - 107,383,786 - 99,346,264 - 3,803,355
- 5.7 - 6.1 - 15.5 - 6.3
    Machine-tools N 20,592 2,162,682 69 2,273 3,189 247,468 458 27,740
-10.5 -12.9 19.0 -74.9 -74.2 11.9 -7.5 -42.7
    Automatic data processing machines and parts thereof - - 8,848,000 - 4,805,679 - 11,531,081 - 84,037
- 84.6 - 15.4 - 57.5 - -12.5
    Diodes and similar semiconductors 100MN 722 4,192,219 787 2,444,947 470 2,869,255 1 25,403
21.4 7.7 5.0 -8.9 16.2 9.9 -13.8 37.0
    Electronic integrated circuits 100MN 962 42,214,468 842 56,794,795 329 48,799,386 3 248,404
28.1 13.0 1.0 7.0 22.7 21.0 -45.4 41.9
    Motor vehicles(including chassis fitted with engines)  10000N 23 11,983,258 0 45,623 4 3,057,079 0 16,496
-0.9 -14.7 46.0 62.5 -19.9 -18.9 -18.6 -12.0
    Parts and accessories of vehicle  - - 9,462,437 - 981,723 - 547,589 - 20,205
- 7.4 - -13.8 - 33.9 - 11.1
    Aircraft of an unladen weight exceeding 2T N 12 418,600 2 264,298 41 2,020,781 6 203,465
-36.8 -73.5 -50.0 -41.7 -4.7 -11.4 500.0 421.7
  Flat panel display modules of liquid crystals 10000N 26,504 757,403 24,298 3,784,066 3,818 666,528 6 3,979
- 1.4 - 21.2 - -7.4 - -27.1
    Medical or surgical instruments and apparatuses - - 1,946,238 - 116,074 - 3,060,145 - 13,868
- -23.5 - -11.7 - 1.6 - 7.1
Hi-tech products* - - 104,969,363 - 84,858,638 - 93,137,744 - 2,902,617
- 13.7 - 4.5 - 16.9 - 20.1
1 Figures in dark area refer to the percentage change over the same period of the previous year.
2 Please refer to the annex 1 of Issue January for the specific coverage of each category of the selected commodities listed in this table.
3 The term "Processing trade" covers  customs regimes of "processing and assembly" and "processing with imported materials", while the "Bonded Logistics" covers "customs warehousing trade" and logisitcs goods by customs special control area", and "Other" covers all the other customs regimes listed in Table 5 of this Issue. Please refer to the Explainary Note for the definitions of the above mentioned customs regimes. 


General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730