(5)Imports and Exports by Customs Regime,7.2023
5Imports and Exports by Customs Regime7.2023
Customs Regime  Exports Imports 
7 1to7 7 1to7
TOTAL 281,755,999 1,944,902,508 201,159,403 1,455,336,274
-14.5 -5.0 -12.4 -7.6
Ordinary Trade  184,372,063 1,265,717,347 130,263,595 958,357,764
-13.7 -3.8 -11.7 -5.4
Aid or Donation Between Governments or by International Organizations 32,471 308,777 - 147
-52.0 -24.5 - 696.8
Other Donation  2,991 11,038 50,952 53,521
-5.7 -71.3 - 2252.8
Processing and Assembling 5,369,743 38,476,757 6,100,937 43,291,843
-27.2 -20.5 -23.8 -20.1
Processing with Imported Materials 49,625,220 358,244,648 24,672,508 168,106,627
-22.1 -14.0 -18.5 -21.7
Border Trade 3,989,559 25,387,084 712,711 5,420,684
18.0 61.7 -7.0 38.3
Equipment for Processing trade - - 12,202 105,036
- - -54.7 -44.3
Contracting Projects 1,235,850 7,379,526 - -
24.3 34.8 - -
Goods on Lease 100,376 1,519,996 23,280 217,246
-52.4 181.1 -70.0 -60.9
Equipment or Materials Imported as Investment by Foreign-Invested Enterprises - - 54,839 548,395
- - -38.4 -33.2
Outward Processing 33,007 228,926 61,085 268,531
287.2 287.2 409.5 184.0
Duty-free Commodities on Payment of Foreign Currency - - 660 2,549
- - 63.4 60.1
Duty-free Goods - - 244,029 2,391,633
- - 42.0 14.1
Customs Warehousing Trade  5,596,666 40,813,641 13,243,203 96,572,396
-18.2 -5.3 -9.9 -5.4
Logistics goods by customs special control area   21,470,912 133,347,815 24,051,170 168,425,049
8.2 12.8 -7.4 -1.2
Equipment imported into customs special control area  - - 398,309 2,579,382
- - -33.2 -47.8
Other   9,927,141 73,466,953 1,269,923 8,995,471
-25.5 -11.9 -1.3 31.9
1、Figures in shaded areas refer to percentage change over the same period in the previous year.
2、Since 2014, duty-free goods is included in Customs Statistics of China. For more information, please see the explanatory note.
3、Since 2018, Compensation Trade、Goods on Consignment Barter Trade are included in Other Trade announcements.


General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730