(4) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, May 2024 (in USD)
(4) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, May 2024 (in USD)
Unit: USD1 Million
Import Source Export & Import Export Import 1-to-5 Total Year-on-Year (±%)
Export Destination 5 1-to-5 5 1-to-5 5 1-to-5 Export & Import Export Import
Total 522,073.9 2,464,319.8 302,348.0 1,400,763.0 219,725.9 1,063,556.8 2.8 2.7 2.9
  European Union 67,077.7 313,568.6 44,189.4 204,489.6 22,888.3 109,079.0 -4.5 -3.9 -5.6
       of which: Germany 16,979.0 80,264.1 8,652.7 41,513.1 8,326.3 38,751.0 -8.0 -2.9 -12.9
                 Netherlands 9,095.6 43,037.7 7,653.1 35,990.8 1,442.5 7,046.9 -11.9 -17.2 31.2
                 France 6,530.7 31,116.5 3,684.3 17,266.6 2,846.4 13,849.9 -4.6 0.9 -10.7
                 Italy 6,400.4 30,044.5 4,096.2 19,103.6 2,304.2 10,940.8 0.0 0.6 -1.0
   United States (US) 57,216.5 263,528.4 44,015.6 195,886.6 13,200.9 67,641.7 -1.4 0.2 -5.8
   ASEAN  83,810.4 390,333.3 50,828.7 235,929.2 32,981.7 154,404.1 7.2 9.7 3.5
        of which: Vietnam 21,869.5 101,849.0 14,197.5 64,712.1 7,672.1 37,136.9 21.9 22.3 21.3
                  Malaysia 18,214.4 82,290.7 8,536.4 39,581.0 9,678.0 42,709.7 11.4 11.4 11.4
                  Thailand 12,228.0 53,906.1 7,206.8 34,451.6 5,021.2 19,454.5 2.4 7.8 -6.0
                  Singapore 9,123.1 46,901.4 6,860.2 33,871.7 2,262.9 13,029.7 3.7 3.6 4.0
                  Indonesia 11,812.7 56,615.4 6,389.3 28,696.7 5,423.4 27,918.7 -2.5 8.0 -11.3
                  Philippines 6,364.1 28,804.7 4,800.1 21,599.1 1,564.0 7,205.7 -6.4 -6.3 -6.8
   Japan 24,922.5 123,869.8 12,317.9 61,539.5 12,604.5 62,330.3 -5.2 -7.7 -2.5
   Hong Kong, China 24,255.8 119,856.3 22,518.9 112,661.4 1,736.8 7,194.9 10.9 10.8 12.4
   R. O. Korea 28,019.7 130,565.5 12,786.4 59,664.0 15,233.3 70,901.5 3.8 -5.3 12.9
   Taiwan, China 24,268.9 109,230.0 6,547.2 29,285.5 17,721.7 79,944.6 8.2 8.5 8.1
   Australia 17,880.8 91,733.8 5,503.7 28,040.5 12,377.1 63,693.2 -4.8 -6.2 -4.2
   Russian Federation 19,813.7 96,509.2 9,086.1 41,788.8 10,727.6 54,720.3 2.9 -1.8 6.9
   India 11,407.1 55,973.9 9,899.3 47,046.8 1,507.7 8,927.1 2.6 1.0 11.3
   United Kingdom (UK) 8,292.3 38,180.8 6,455.5 30,375.6 1,836.8 7,805.2 -1.6 -0.3 -6.3
   Canada 7,579.3 38,177.1 3,920.8 18,189.7 3,658.5 19,987.4 6.2 1.6 10.7
   New Zealand 1,907.7 8,567.3 714.3 3,103.7 1,193.4 5,463.5 -8.1 1.9 -13.0
   Latin America 46,261.9 206,998.5 25,331.1 106,398.8 20,930.7 100,599.7 7.4 10.2 4.5
         of which: Brazil 17,207.2 77,293.7 6,942.8 28,506.7 10,264.3 48,787.0 17.4 26.3 12.8
   Africa 25,363.6 120,616.5 14,619.7 70,374.8 10,743.9 50,241.7 3.4 -2.1 12.2
         of which: South Africa 4,929.3 23,541.8 1,802.5 8,242.7 3,126.9 15,299.1 -1.6 -21.3 13.8
1.The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) includes: Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam;  
2.The European Union (EU) includes: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia;
3.From February 1, 2020, the EU trade value does not include UK data, with adjustment made in year-on-year data thereof.

General Administrator of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730