(0) China's Total Export & Import Values, January-February 2020 (in USD)

(0) China's Total Export & Import Values, January-February 2020 (in USD)
Unit: USD100 Million
Month/Year Export&Import Export Import Trade Balance 1-2 Total
Export&Import Export Import Trade Balance
1-2/2020 5,919.9  2,924.5  2,995.4  -71.0  5,919.9  2,924.5  2,995.4  -71.0 
Year-on-Year -11.0 -17.2 -4.0 - -11.0 -17.2 -4.0 -
Note:   1.This table was added in March,2017 as preliminary data.   2.The numbers in dark fields are Year-on-Year ratios.

General Administrator of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730