(5) China's Major Exports by Quantity and Value, June 2024 (in CNY)
(5) China's Major Exports by Quantity and Value, June 2024 (in CNY)
Unit: CNY 100 Million
Commodity Quantity Unit 6 1-to-6 Total 1-to-6 Total, 2023 1-to-6 Total, Year-On-Year(%) 
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Agricultural products* - 616.1 - 3,444.3 - 3,273.7 - 5.2
    Aquatic products 10,000 Tons 33.9 119.4 190.9 666.9 175.2 679.3 8.9 -1.8
    Grain  10,000 Tons 16.9 7.2 99.3 49.2 94.0 49.6 5.7 -0.8
Petroleum products  10,000 Tons 536.7 279.5 3,009.4 1,603.6 3,128.3 1,624.8 -3.8 -1.3
Rare earth Ton 4,828.7 3.1 29,095.2 18.2 26,235.5 31.1 10.9 -41.4
Medicinal materials and medicaments of Chinese type Ton 11,281.6 8.3 68,153.8 48.7 72,380.4 46.1 -5.8 5.7
Fertilizers 10,000 Tons 295.9 60.5 1,260.6 229.8 1,270.4 308.0 -0.8 -25.4
Plastic products - - 664.7 - 3,776.4 - 3,380.7 - 11.7
Suitcases, handbags and similar containers 10,000 Tons 34.9 230.8 175.5 1,280.8 159.1 1,232.0 10.3 4.0
Textile yarn, fabrics and articles thereof - - 870.2 - 4,926.7 - 4,625.5 - 6.5
Garments and clothing accessories - - 1,076.1 - 5,244.3 - 5,090.6 - 3.0
Footwear 10,000 Pairs 8.4 305.3 45.2 1,663.6 43.6 1,706.8 3.5 -2.5
Ceramic products 10,000 Tons 171.0 117.9 909.8 798.3 852.5 863.7 6.7 -7.6
Steel products 10,000 Tons 874.5 480.0 5,340.0 2,954.7 4,305.9 3,156.1 24.0 -6.4
Unwrought aluminium and aluminium products Ton 61.0 144.7 317.1 744.5 280.5 674.4 13.1 10.4
Furniture and parts thereof - - 392.7 - 2,513.3 - 2,123.9 - 18.3
Toys - - 239.4 - 1,280.7 - 1,244.5 - 2.9
Mechanical and electrical products* - - 12,734.6 - 71,413.3 - 66,009.9 - 8.2
    General machinery - - 409.7 - 2,296.4 - 1,994.9 - 15.1
    Automatic data processing equipment and parts thereof  - - 1,296.4 - 6,837.7 - 6,197.6 - 10.3
    Mobile phones 10,000 Sets 6,368.3 586.7 36,606.0 3,882.8 34,912.6 3,951.8 4.9 -1.7
    Household appliances 10,000 Sets 40,237.9 626.7 214,024.3 3,479.4 171,365.6 2,940.2 24.9 18.3
    Audio or video devices and parts thereof - - 224.7 - 1,256.3 - 1,143.2 - 9.9
        Integrated circuits 100 Million PCS 253.8 984.9 1,393.1 5,427.4 1,272.0 4,321.9 9.5 25.6
    Motor vehiclesincluding
 chassis fitted with engines) 
10,000 Autos 48.6 620.5 293.2 3,917.6 233.9 3,206.1 25.3 22.2
    Automotive components and parts - - 583.6 - 3,246.0 - 2,983.8 - 8.8
    Ships Ship 616.0 257.2 2,978.0 1,468.0 2,301.0 768.2 29.4 91.1
    LCD panels 10,000 PCS 16,277.9 186.7 88,290.1 997.5 79,179.1 864.5 11.5 15.4
    Medical or surgical instruments and apparatuses - - 122.0 - 655.0 - 606.6 - 8.0
    Lamps and light fittings and parts thereof - - 262.3 - 1,464.8 - 1,374.7 - 6.6
Hi-tech products* - - 5,187.4 - 29,236.2 - 27,477.7 - 6.4
Note: "Agricultural products*", “Mechanical and electrical products*" and "Hi-tech products*" include relevant products listed in the table.

General Administrator of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730