On April 28, Qingdao Customs destroyed with rollers a large number of counterfeit bags, waistbands, wristwatches, and so on.
The destruction was conducted by Qingdao Liuting Airport Customs House on 5,303 pieces of IPR-infringing goods, including garments, bags, waistbands, jewelry, wristwatches, and cell-phone parts infringing on famous brands like "Chanel", "Adidas", "Disney", "Apple", and "Xiaomi". And a professional company in solid waste disposal was commissioned to the harmless treatment by disassembly, cutting and deforming.
The IPR-infringing goods to be destroyed
Customs officers were destroying the counterfeit goods.
General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China
Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China Postcode: 100730