(6)Exports by Type Enterprise and by Customs Regime,1-11.2024
(6)Exports by Type Enterprise and by Customs Regime,1-11.2024
               Type of Enterprise
   Customs regime
Total  SOE FIE POE Other
Value/±% Value/±% Value/±% Value/±% Value/±%
TOTAL  3,240,708,326  251,755,605  894,104,088  2,052,719,480  42,129,153 
5.4 2.6 0.8 8.2 -8.3
Ordinary Trade  2,115,458,081  156,721,321  382,336,512  1,540,675,888  35,724,360 
6.6 -1.0 7.7 7.5 -8.9
Aid or Donation Between Government or by International Organizations  515,885  372,220  528  60,552  82,586 
7.0 3.3 34.1 -17.4 72.8
Other Donation 21,812  112  183  7,834  13,684 
61.4 -96.6 -83.2 176.7 116.5
Processing and Assembling 63,640,337  1,609,803  47,593,793  14,133,633  303,108 
2.3 4.8 4.5 -5.1 20.3
Process with Imported Materials 579,901,578  34,578,067  389,123,869  153,273,534  2,926,107 
0.3 15.9 -5.4 14.4 -3.0
Border Trade 47,456,407  1,468,692  9,207  45,973,528  4,980 
10.8 336.6 140.9 8.3 -57.8
Contracting Projects  11,314,632  7,927,245  911,960  2,391,562  83,866 
-5.2 -17.3 76.3 43.9 -52.7
Goods on Lease 4,367,230  412,562  154,105  3,800,564  -
118.5 -14.3 -83.0 528.0 -
Outward Processing  992,949  8,825  738,252  245,778  95 
140.0 -49.4 286.2 20.3 -88.5
Customs Warehousing Trade 72,334,786  30,672,583  8,814,154  32,360,834  487,215 
13.0 8.4 -21.3 35.1 -13.1
Logistics Goods by Customs Special Control Area 236,278,368  17,762,393  62,739,187  155,757,571  19,217 
8.6 9.0 2.8 11.1 301.0
Other 108,426,261  221,783  1,682,340  104,038,202  2,483,935 
-2.4 -27.9 15.5 -2.5 -5.6
1、The abbreviations shown in the table refer to:
      SOE=State-owned Enterprise
      FIE=Foreign-invested Enterprise
      POE=Private-owned Enterprise
2、Figures in shaded areas refer to the percentage change over the same period in the previous year.
3、Since 2013, the “CE” column has been replaced by “POE” and the coverage of “Other” as well as percentage changes is adjusted accordingly.
4、Since 2018, Compensation Trade、Goods on Consignment Barter Trade are included in Other Trade announcements.
5、Since 2021, exports by  foreign-invested enterprises are released in aggregation.


General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730