(18) Import of Selected Commodities by Major Customs Regimes,12. 2019

(18) Import of Selected Commodities by Major Customs Regimes,12. 2019
Unit: US$1,000
                     Commodities/Customs Regimes  
Quantity Unit  Ordinary Trade Processing Trade Bonded logistics Other
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Fresh or dried fruits and nuts 10000T 639  9,840,935  12  729,866  504,260  48  211,743 
36.2 33.6 32.5 48.2 4.3 154.7 -38.3 -41.3
Cereals and cereal flour 10000T 1,559  4,668,764  124  278,453  94  241,903  13,800 
-16.0 -14.3 -3.5 -5.7 98.5 77.5 -50.7 -57.4
 Soya beans 10000T 8,361  33,416,082  142  582,856  277  1,111,671  71  226,259 
1.9 -6.1 -38.5 -41.6 -3.5 -9.8 -11.8 -11.8
Edible vegetable oil 10000T 834  5,577,815  50,499  109  686,439  18,808 
52.5 35.2 68.6 48.5 45.3 25.5 -2.9 -8.1
Iron ores and concentrates 10000T 96,381  92,131,917  167  174,676  9,051  8,468,654  1,296  686,455 
-0.4 32.9 567.1 621.1 5.4 39.9 20.2 35.8
'Copper ores and concentrates 10000T 1,486  22,654,498  444  7,262,787  268  3,977,527  12,876 
12.6 8.2 4.7 -2.0 18.3 11.0 137.6 298.1
Coal and lignite 10000T 26,950  20,845,639  2,035  387  455,524  2,630  2,091,528 
7.7 -6.4 -1.8 11.0 43.1 8.9 -9.0 0.5
Crude petroleum oil 10000T 38,791  185,045,078  3,839  18,597,949  7,941  37,675,566  - -
7.6 -1.5 16.3 7.5 16.3 7.1 - -
Refined petroleum products 10000T 1,052  6,545,292  13  135,660  1,988  10,378,935  16,520 
3.9 -13.4 -40.9 -40.3 -13.9 -15.8 -24.7 -34.5
Fuel oils No.5-7 10000T 186  844,850  - - 1,293  5,880,073  - -
182.3 176.6 - - -18.7 -18.5 - -
Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocabons 10000T 8,992  39,662,749  83  247,922  69  309,470  513  1,499,561 
2.1 5.2 -14.7 -22.6 45.2 23.7 555.1 682.7
Medical and pharmaceutical products T 95,947  15,604,511  6,925  1,169,246  54,674  18,588,980  477  352,860 
5.3 8.3 21.7 -3.6 -1.3 35.5 -8.2 30.4
Mineral or chemical fertilizer 10000T 899  2,919,305  149  438,172  62  164,076 
13.6 26.4 169.3 -14.7 178.5 170.4 -40.9 -33.7
Plastics in primary forms 10000T 2,796  38,110,502  652  11,037,781  242  4,100,932  40,431 
21.6 0.6 -9.0 -18.0 -8.5 -17.9 -58.1 -36.8
Natural and synthetic rubber(incl. Latex) 10000T 410  6,177,921  123  1,966,297  124  1,902,520  11,707 
-4.9 -9.3 -16.6 -19.3 10.8 5.1 -92.9 -93.3
Wood in the rough and in lengthwise slice 10000CUM 8,001  15,259,724  106  321,706  160  318,928  1,426  2,125,255 
6.3 -13.5 -29.5 -26.8 29.0 31.8 -22.2 -24.0
Pulp 10000T 1,759  11,267,712  362  2,300,235  581  3,443,082  17  107,743 
0.2 -21.5 0.4 -15.1 72.9 41.2 -34.9 -51.2
Textile yarn,fabrics and made-up articles - 9,080,764  - 5,905,576  - 669,299  - 59,305 
- -8.3 - -17.7 - -9.9 - -6.0
Products of steel or iron 10000T 904  9,755,549  301  3,586,823  23  707,114  61,372 
-8.4 -19.5 -0.4 0.6 -9.7 6.8 26.5 -30.9
Unwrought copper and copper products 10000T 345  21,803,860  87  6,348,349  66  4,311,687  7,186 
-0.2 -8.5 -12.4 -18.3 -22.2 -26.4 87.8 44.3
Waste and scrap of metals, plastics and paper 10000T 1,156  9,976,729  193  1,517,134  - - - -
-40.8 -34.4 -33.2 -15.0 - - - -
Machine-tool N 48,989 6,387,719  259 5,353  4,010 371,058  2,169 521,880 
-29.8 -21.1 12.1 -63.2 -48.4 -27.3 -78.4 -50.1
Automatic data processing machines and units 10000N 10,610  11,082,520  14,510  5,894,388  25,668  15,345,524  60  134,581 
9.0 -3.1 1.5 -15.3 12.4 7.3 32.8 -28.0
Diodes and similar semiconductors Million N 163,257  7,424,044  182,408  7,053,917  132,987  4,994,450  245  42,838 
1.2 -11.7 -20.4 -14.7 0.3 2.7 -43.9 -58.3
Electronic integrated circuits Million N 173,784  81,403,216  201,320  145,662,242  69,538  78,196,786  493  287,330 
24.3 3.8 -4.7 -12.2 5.2 15.8 15.0 33.7
Motor vehicles and chassis with engines 10000N 91  41,338,047  130,997  14  6,843,744  179,698 
-8.4 -4.9 -15.3 -24.9 -2.2 -1.6 36.5 98.3
Auto parts and accessories - 27,722,216  - 1,728,131  - 1,140,660  - 43,619 
- -13.3 - -8.7 - -6.1 - 17.4
Aircraft of an unladen weight exceeding 2 tons N 49 823,796  7 349,854  157 12,485,702  27 2,143,186 
-51.5 -78.1 -56.3 -73.9 -49.7 -34.5 -28.9 -32.4
Liquid crystal display panel 10000N 65,105  2,326,866  117,394  16,390,311  10,406  2,059,035  84  10,602 
15.8 -29.9 -17.1 -15.6 -44.3 -39.4 0.4 -27.5
*Agriculture products - 127,524,876  - 6,511,138  - 13,923,477  - 1,150,729 
- 12.0 - -12.1 - 5.2 - -21.2
*Mechanical and electrical products - 391,872,230  - 300,956,171  - 193,900,437  - 20,825,116 
- -6.7 - -11.7 - 4.7 - 7.3
*Hi-tech products - 211,080,889  - 245,376,185  - 165,698,781  - 15,492,415 
- -5.1 - -12.5 - 7.2 - 7.8
*Cultural products - 6,276,353  - 2,157,039  - 2,878,818  - 114,541 
- 8.5 - -24.9 - 176.3 - -4.9


1. Figures in dark area refer to the percentage change over the same period of the previous year.

2. Please refer to the annex 1 of Issue January for the specific coverage of each category of the selected commodities listed in this table.

3. The term "Processing trade" covers  customs regimes of "processing and assembly" and "processing with imported materials", while the "Bonded Logistics" covers "customs warehousing trade" and logisitcs goods by customs special control area", and "Other" covers all the other customs regimes listed in Table 5 of this Issue. Please refer to the Explainary Note for the definitions of the above mentioned customs regimes. 


General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730