(5) Imports and Exports by Customs Regime, 6. 2019

(5) Imports and Exports by Customs Regime, 6. 2019
Customs Regime  Exports Imports 
6 1 to 6 6 1 to 6
TOTAL 212,835,863  1,171,153,002  161,859,791  989,994,816 
-1.3 0.1 -7.3 -4.3
Ordinary Trade  124,735,982  688,043,936  98,981,504  605,569,622 
-1.5 3.2 -7.0 -4.3
Aid or Donation Between Governments or by International Organizations 74,344  372,049  - 1,152 
39.8 11.1 - 91.5
Other Donation  2,883  3,237  41  6,599 
240.0 55.0 -25.4 -71.3
Processing and Assembling 6,685,559  37,902,646  7,411,953  43,943,813 
-8.0 -9.4 -3.7 1.4
Processing with Imported Materials 55,053,860  306,732,681  24,496,523  150,377,204 
-4.4 -6.0 -14.2 -12.4
Border Trade 2,149,810  13,689,017  733,572  4,798,227 
-8.3 -6.7 -2.9 -0.5
Equipment for Processing trade - - 57,366  220,383 
- - -24.5 -71.6
Contracting Projects 1,149,560  7,047,375  - -
-20.7 -21.9 - -
Goods on Lease 22,651  86,139  83,202  2,300,384 
82.3 63.7 -47.5 174.3
Equipment or Materials Imported as Investment by Foreign-Invested Enterprises - - 505,266  2,832,733 
- - 88.3 49.0
Outward Processing 19,342  115,907  22,365  155,431 
17.6 0.0 52.2 7.4
Duty-free Commodities on Payment of Foreign Currency - - 2,494  17,648 
- - 4.1 26.0
Duty-free Goods - - 193,419  1,415,970 
- - 10.2 22.2
Customs Warehousing Trade  4,148,443  22,357,016  10,853,033  71,257,923 
16.4 14.6 -12.6 2.0
Logistics goods by customs special control area   11,735,149  59,718,392  16,846,473  95,980,635 
9.5 4.7 4.5 1.6
Equipment imported into customs special control area  - - 734,642  4,458,484 
- - 1.1 7.6
Other   7,058,281  35,084,609  937,937  6,658,608 
18.9 1.2 -27.3 -23.0


1. Figures in shaded areas refer to percentage change over the same period in the previous year.

2. Since 2014, duty-free goods is included in Customs Statistics of China. For more information, please see the explanatory note.

3. Since 2018, "Compensation Trade, Goods on Consignment, Barter Trade" are included in Other announcements.


General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730