Guangzhou Customs Returns Solid Waste Abroad from Foshan Port

Recently in Guangzhou Customs District, 2 batches of inbound solid waste were returned abroad from Foshan Port in line with relevant import ban.  

Earlier, Foshan Customs House received the import declaration of 2-batch “rough zinc oxide”, totaling 240 tons and 139,000 US dollars. Through sample identification, the Customs confirmed the goods to be metal oxide powder with a great deal of dust, coal ash and unoxidized metal, which were produced from zinc ash, gas mud and other zinciferous substances. Processing of such powder can result in serous environmental pollution, so they are solid waste prohibited from import according to China law.     

Customs reminder: The importers involved must take on the responsibility to ensure cargo compliance with China’s Law on Prevention of Solid Waste from Environmental Pollution.

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General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730