(4) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, September 2021 (in USD)

(4) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, September 2021 (in USD)
Unit: USD1 Million
Import Source Export & Import Export Import 1-to-9 Total Year-on-Year (±%)
Export Destination 9 1- to-9 9 1-to-9 9 1-to-9 Export & Import Export Import
Total 544,716.8  4,374,110.4  305,737.3  2,400,823.3  238,979.5  1,973,287.1  32.8 33 32.6
  European Union 70,440.2  599,336.5  44,470.6  367,013.2  25,969.6  232,323.3  30.4  32.0  27.9 
       of which: Germany 20,158.2  172,135.1  9,750.8  81,852.7  10,407.4  90,282.4  27.1  32.6  22.4 
                 Netherlands 9,604.2  81,732.5  8,726.7  71,608.3  877.5  10,124.1  26.2  29.7  5.9 
                 France 7,291.2  61,501.5  3,989.1  32,871.3  3,302.1  28,630.2  31.8  23.3  43.2 
                 Italy 5,716.2  53,493.6  3,442.5  30,662.5  2,273.7  22,831.1  36.3  29.1  47.3 
   United States (US) 72,795.9  543,115.7  57,397.0  411,536.1  15,398.9  131,579.6  35.4  32.9  43.5 
   ASEAN  76,548.6  630,539.3  40,362.9  345,590.7  36,185.6  284,948.6  31.1  29.9  32.7 
        of which: Vietnam 19,365.2  168,012.2  10,388.7  102,015.7  8,976.5  65,996.6  28.9  31.3  25.5 
                  Malaysia 15,495.4  123,784.0  6,873.1  52,848.8  8,622.3  70,935.2  33.8  38.7  30.3 
                  Thailand 11,455.1  97,431.4  5,864.4  50,185.9  5,590.7  47,245.5  35.8  38.4  33.2 
                  Singapore 8,526.2  68,409.7  5,229.1  39,357.5  3,297.1  29,052.2  6.8  -2.5  22.5 
                  Indonesia 11,139.9  85,396.4  5,056.2  42,523.3  6,083.8  42,873.1  53.2  46.7  60.2 
                  Philippines 7,371.1  59,275.7  4,900.7  41,166.6  2,470.4  18,109.1  39.5  42.7  32.6 
   Japan 32,528.5  275,065.0  14,399.4  121,661.5  18,129.2  153,403.5  20.2  17.7  22.2 
   Hong Kong, China 34,056.5  254,990.4  33,118.6  247,308.5  937.9  7,681.8  34.8  34.1  59.5 
   R. O. Korea 32,566.9  262,407.4  12,700.0  107,405.7  19,866.9  155,001.7  27.0  33.7  22.8 
   Taiwan, China 30,697.9  239,518.6  6,737.1  57,050.7  23,960.8  182,467.9  29.8  32.6  28.9 
   Australia 21,000.0  174,213.4  5,963.2  46,635.6  15,036.8  127,577.7  39.9  26.6  45.5 
   Russian Federation 13,468.9  102,529.5  6,601.1  47,401.2  6,867.8  55,128.3  29.8  32.4  27.6 
   India 11,819.8  90,375.0  9,785.9  68,462.3  2,033.8  21,912.7  49.3  51.7  42.5 
   United Kingdom (UK) 10,048.2  81,357.0  8,016.5  62,713.4  2,031.7  18,643.6  26.1  26.0  26.4 
   Canada 8,147.2  59,719.4  5,592.4  37,277.2  2,554.8  22,442.2  30.7  27.2  36.9 
   New Zealand 2,100.6  18,581.1  792.0  6,078.5  1,308.6  12,502.7  38.6  44.8  35.8 
   Latin America 41,517.3  331,884.2  21,320.2  163,691.2  20,197.1  168,193.0  45.5  58.2  35.0 
         of which: Brazil 15,718.0  125,574.0  5,221.2  38,236.8  10,496.8  87,337.2  43.9  63.8  36.7 
   Africa 22,260.1  185,201.1  13,671.3  107,622.5  8,588.8  77,578.6  38.2  35.3  42.6 
         of which: South Africa 4,902.9  39,667.6  2,135.2  15,042.3  2,767.7  24,625.4  60.3  44.5  71.8 
1.The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) includes: Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam;
2.The European Union (EU) includes: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia;
3.From February 1, 2020, the EU trade value does not include UK data, with adjustment made in year-on-year data thereof.

General Administrator of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730