(5) Imports and Exports by Customs Regime, 11. 2019

(5)Imports and Exports by Customs Regime,11.2019
Unit: US$1,000
Customs Regime  Exports Imports 
11 1 to 11 11 1 to 11
TOTAL 221,337,434  2,260,094,505  183,411,013  1,881,977,078 
-1.3 -0.3 0.5 -4.6
Ordinary Trade  124,186,835  1,310,530,185  112,599,738  1,140,690,842 
-0.6 2.8 5.1 -3.3
Aid or Donation Between Governments or by International Organizations 44,015  651,289  - 1,184 
-4.5 -1.5 - -75.4
Other Donation  1,685  7,717  84  15,200 
- 22.7 -99.8 -78.1
Processing and Assembling 6,524,614  71,248,387  7,487,483  82,126,622 
-16.0 -11.4 -9.6 -2.6
Processing with Imported Materials 61,532,743  598,391,205  29,213,090  299,398,195 
-10.1 -7.5 -14.4 -14.7
Border Trade 3,401,772  28,878,880  664,579  8,480,006 
27.6 3.1 -10.6 0.8
Equipment for Processing trade - - 31,485  355,732 
- - -21.5 -65.3
Contracting Projects 1,211,077  12,716,085  - -
1.6 -18.4 - -
Goods on Lease 10,056  147,878  175,721  3,528,069 
-47.5 4.7 -66.4 -2.0
Equipment or Materials Imported as Investment by Foreign-Invested Enterprises - - 311,273  5,046,850 
- - -14.0 55.1
Outward Processing 30,040  217,554  17,010  250,570 
53.6 7.7 -25.1 -5.9
Duty-free Commodities on Payment of Foreign Currency - - 3,219  35,257 
- - 22.5 46.6
Duty-free Goods - - 348,194  2,806,076 
- - 47.7 28.1
Customs Warehousing Trade  5,393,526  43,969,996  12,143,661  129,503,499 
76.1 14.8 -12.4 -5.8
Logistics goods by customs special control area   10,926,403  115,869,839  18,518,593  188,959,619 
12.8 4.0 21.2 5.6
Equipment imported into customs special control area  - - 797,045  8,167,328 
- - 16.4 15.1
Other   8,074,669  77,465,489  1,099,839  12,612,028 
25.7 11.4 -3.9 -14.6


1. Figures in shaded areas refer to percentage change over the same period in the previous year.

2. Since 2014, duty-free goods is included in Customs Statistics of China. For more information, please see the explanatory note.

3. Since 2018, "Compensation Trade、Goods on Consignment, Barter Trade" are included in "Other Trade" announcements.


General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730