Guangzhou Customs Escorts the 118th Canton Fair

On October 15, the 118th Session of China Import and Export Fair (i.e. Canton Fair) was held in Guangzhou. Guangzhou Customs District actively helped the Fair organizer with relevant records and release of exhibits through efficient onsite control and services.


Guangzhou Customs set up a One-Stop declaration window for the fair in Guangzhou Government Affair Center, with special personnel and special windows tracking and controlling exhibits clearance and with a 24-hour reservation hotline for overtime clearance, actively communicated with the Fair organizer to customize clearance plan, and set up special consultation windows in the exhibition hall to give import/export clearance information.



Guangzhou Customs escorted the 118th Canton Fair.



Guangzhou Customs escorted the 118th Canton Fair.


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General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730