(5)Imports and Exports by Customs Regime,3.2023
5Imports and Exports by Customs Regime3.2023
Customs Regime  Exports Imports 
3 1to3 3 1to3
TOTAL 315,589,337 821,830,961 227,398,611 617,123,463
14.8 0.5 -1.4 -7.1
Ordinary Trade  210,968,201 535,240,590 146,753,374 403,851,028
22.4 4.4 1.1 -5.3
Aid or Donation Between Governments or by International Organizations 42,259 139,028 44 44
-23.7 -28.8 - 363.0
Other Donation  144 2,385 18 2,417
-99.1 -88.8 -97.6 113.3
Processing and Assembling 6,420,420 16,559,197 6,573,226 18,098,097
-9.9 -18.5 -12.1 -17.1
Processing with Imported Materials 53,876,024 155,235,155 25,191,555 71,288,274
-12.3 -12.1 -23.4 -24.6
Border Trade 3,376,181 9,273,162 920,332 2,501,154
113.1 77.6 72.5 82.0
Equipment for Processing trade - - 16,469 43,362
- - -56.5 -42.5
Contracting Projects 1,011,738 2,862,851 - -
41.3 16.6 - -
Goods on Lease 70,155 139,660 3,935 92,018
317.0 182.0 -98.4 -76.5
Equipment or Materials Imported as Investment by Foreign-Invested Enterprises - - 104,066 232,074
- - -25.4 -42.4
Outward Processing 32,733 67,798 24,762 57,238
250.9 124.8 99.2 41.0
Duty-free Commodities on Payment of Foreign Currency - - 383 751
- - 76.3 1.8
Duty-free Goods - - 452,239 1,152,341
- - 8.6 -0.7
Customs Warehousing Trade  7,536,720 17,832,702 17,145,088 42,937,979
40.7 10.2 7.1 4.5
Logistics goods by customs special control area   21,013,123 54,645,335 28,506,811 72,067,385
25.0 8.3 9.0 0.3
Equipment imported into customs special control area  - - 373,606 1,049,894
- - -52.4 -55.2
Other   11,241,640 29,833,097 1,332,703 3,749,406
18.0 -11.7 70.9 35.6
1、Figures in shaded areas refer to percentage change over the same period in the previous year.
2、Since 2014, duty-free goods is included in Customs Statistics of China. For more information, please see the explanatory note.
3、Since 2018, Compensation Trade、Goods on Consignment Barter Trade are included in Other Trade announcements.


General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730