(17) Export of Selected Commodities by Major Customs Regimes, 9.2019

(17) Export of Selected Commodities by Major Customs Regimes, 9.2019
Unit: US$1,000
                    Customs Regimes  / Commodities Quantity Unit  Ordinary Trade Processing Trade Bonded logistics Other
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Aquatic products 10000T 215  10,659,490  76  3,964,782  11  150,517  26,233 
0.9 -8.9 -0.4 0.3 8.1 -15.4 -50.4 -9.1
Rice T 1,916,543  678,843  - - 19,521  9,070  217,410  125,374 
45.8 28.1 - - 34.7 17.7 342.2 244.7
Crude medicinal materials and  Medicaments of chinese type T 87,476  726,529  714  37,463  1,398  41,942  3,576  32,850 
-4.3 -1.2 -18.8 23.2 5.3 21.3 139.8 219.4
Rare-earth ore, metals, compounds T 35,668  315,029  - - 730  35,071 
-9.7 -12.4 - - 59.2 15.5 - -
Coal and lignite 10000T 381  614,575  - - 39  70,817  927 
15.2 14.0 - - 188.7 353.7 89.1 48.3
Coke and semi-coke 10000T 516  1,475,229  - - 15  109 
-25.3 -29.4 - - -98.6 -99.1 -88.5 -87.9
Crude petroleum oil 10000T - - - - 76  336,996  - -
- - - - -65.6 -66.9 - -
Refined petroleum products 10000T 3,211  18,574,629  60  418,204  1,503  8,408,366  6,394 
15.0 4.5 -56.5 -50.2 0.4 3.9 364.4 163.6
Mineral or chemical fertilizer 10000T 1,876  5,215,420  - - 50  138,957  62  161,632 
21.7 18.8 - - 125.9 105.8 16.6 12.5
Plastic articles 10000T 737  24,135,237  183  5,371,137  28  1,366,244  95  4,148,905 
15.4 16.6 -9.6 -6.8 0.3 11.2 14.7 7.0
suit-case, hand bags and similar containers 10000T 170  14,760,993  1,196,575  1,091,058  46  2,830,243 
-3.1 2.5 -29.1 -24.8 1.2 7.7 5.0 -5.6
Textile yarn,fabrics and made-up articles - 76,926,258  - 6,616,836  - 1,051,798  - 4,563,559 
- 1.9 - -14.3 - 22.4 - -11.9
Garments and clothing accessories - 86,737,700  - 10,590,467  - 4,043,257  - 11,423,286 
- -3.4 - -15.2 - 27.8 - -11.7
Footwear and parts thereof 10000T 239  23,607,147  24  5,267,137  13  2,083,606  64  4,515,235 
0.8 3.1 -9.9 -9.3 8.7 13.1 -1.1 -7.5
Ceramic products 10000T 1,423  14,291,527  139,919  281,198  144  3,145,246 
-8.0 18.1 22.8 -5.8 25.1 73.0 15.9 10.2
Jewellery and parts, of precious metal or of metal chad with precious metal KG 187,606  99,906  227,660  9,098,498  5,688  419,183  33,632  2,819 
-17.3 8.8 1.5 -1.2 105.5 2085.7 -37.4 -67.4
Products of steel or iron 10000T 4,789  37,461,395  82  1,577,242  30  333,254  129  2,376,785 
-5.2 -10.4 -20.6 -24.7 240.0 126.9 -1.4 19.0
Unwrought aluminium and aluminium products 10000T 380  10,199,373  43  1,019,849  244,457  159,159 
1.2 -5.7 4.7 -6.6 108.0 45.0 16.1 15.4
Wireless telephone handsets and parts - 36,926,050  - 62,543,840  - 2,581,045  - 626,229 
- -2.4 - -20.4 - 55.3 - -5.8
Electronic integrated circuits Million N 47,163  8,250,455  70,718  41,922,692  39,332  23,385,705  212  11,439 
-2.2 9.7 -9.3 17.5 -1.4 26.5 16.7 -5.7
Automatic data processing machines and units 10000N 27,234  6,764,520  55,534  87,633,409  19,128  25,139,019  4,370  270,290 
1.9 -22.4 -4.4 -2.7 20.8 -1.0 -32.2 -3.6
Electric motors and generators 10000N 86,295  5,289,260  99,061  2,849,525  14,898  318,018  1,538  180,489 
10.4 0.9 -10.1 -11.4 0.9 6.0 78.4 23.1
Motor vehicles and chassis with engines 10000N 81  8,302,481  2,540,710  85,445  315,128 
10.3 7.7 -36.8 -24.2 -21.2 33.2 17.5 -6.2
Auto parts and accessories - 25,409,868  - 11,715,432  - 1,719,472  - 1,027,845 
- -2.9 - -4.5 - 5.3 - 4.4
Ship N 2,793 341,704  1,710 13,076,815  86 172,636  126 738,725 
-21.4 11.2 44.1 -21.3 -63.1 37.9 -62.9 25.0
Liquid crystal display panel Million N 424  3,045,910  560  11,489,791  151  1,898,617  4,043 
0.2 22.7 -24.7 -13.8 -6.7 6.5 58.9 -38.9
Furniture and parts - 32,729,054  - 3,478,904  - 682,059  - 2,386,536 
- 2.8 - -15.3 - 6.1 - 9.7
Lamps and lighting fittings - 18,374,766  - 1,316,043  - 814,756  - 3,182,516 
- 15.8 - -30.8 - 13.0 - 5.4
Toy - 13,893,937  - 3,812,297  - 1,532,558  - 3,525,337 
- 47.2 - 0.3 - 1.7 - 10.8
*Agriculture products - 46,564,084  - 6,633,489  - 1,171,696  - 1,585,681 
- -1.7 - -2.0 - -19.0 - -6.4
*Mechanical and electrical products - 493,237,561  - 433,294,966  - 95,702,096  - 37,470,313 
- 5.2 - -7.2 - 3.9 - -1.2
*Hi-tech products - 152,110,553  - 293,336,622  - 73,546,460  - 3,621,006 
- 3.7 - -6.5 - 1.9 - 3.6
Cultural artifacts - 37,294,838  - 25,699,604  - 3,691,910  - 7,083,413 
- 24.3 - -6.6 - 29.7 - -0.9


1. Figures in the dark area refer to the percentage change over the same period of the previous year.

2. Please refer to the Annex 1 of Issue January for specific coverage of each category of the selected commodities listed in this table.

3. The term "Processing trade" covers  customs regimes of "processing and assembly" and "processing with imported materials", while the "Bonded Logistics" covers "customs warehousing trade" and logisitcs goods by customs special control area", and "Other" covers all the other customs regimes listed in Table 5 of this Issue. Please refer to the Explainary Note for the definitions of the above mentioned customs regimes. 


General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730