(2) China's Total Export & Import Values by Trade Mode, August 2019 (Only August, in CNY)

(2) China's Total Export & Import Values by Trade Mode, August 2019 (Only August, in CNY)
Unit: CNY 100 Million
Trade Mode  August Year-on-Year (±%)
Export & Import Export Import  Export & Import Export Import 
Total Value 27,175.3  14,785.7  12,389.6  0.1 2.6 -2.6
Ordinary Trade 16,242.7  8,699.5  7,543.2  2.9 5.8 -0.3
Free Assistance and Donated Materials between Countries, International Organizations 4.3  4.3  - -33.8 -33.8 -
Other Donated Materials 0.1  0.1  0.0  -51.6 -53.5 2.5
Processing and Assembling Trade with Imported Materials 1,003.7  481.1  522.6  -13.3 -13.7 -12.9
Processing Trade with Imported Materials 5,803.0  3,726.1  2,076.9  -8.1 -5.6 -12.4
Frontier Petty Trade 221.3  167.9  53.3  2.0 -3.2 22.8
Processing Trade Imported Equipments 1.5  - 1.5  -47.1 - -47.1
Exports of Foreign Contracted Project 70.3  70.3  - -7.4 -7.4 -
Leasing Trade 5.1  1.9  3.2  -79.2 -33.6 -85.2
Imported Equipments, Articles Invested by Foreign-Funded Enterprises  35.7  - 35.7  159.2 - 159.2
Outward Processing Trade 3.3  1.6  1.7  23.6 40.4 10.9
Duty-Free Foreign Exchange Commodities  0.2  - 0.2  72.0 - 72.0
Duty-Free Goods 15.3  - 15.3  24.8 - 24.8
Entry and Exit Goods in Bonded Supervision Sites 1,024.0  266.7  757.4  -12.2 4.3 -16.8
Logistics Goods in Customs Special Supervision Area 2,032.8  773.2  1,259.6  16.2 12.7 18.5
Imported Equipments in Customs Special Supervision Area 51.8  - 51.8  37.5 - 37.5
Other 660.3  593.0  67.3  16.3 22.6 -19.9
Note: 1. From 2014, the customs statistics include "duty-free goods".
         2. From 2018, "Compensation Trade", "Consignment Trade" and "Barter Trade" will be included in "Other" item.

General Administrator of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730