(3) China's Total Export & Import Values by Trade Mode, January-May 2020 (in CNY)

(3) China's Total Export & Import Values by Trade Mode, January-May 2020 (in CNY)
Unit: CNY 100 Million
Trade Mode  1-to-5 Year-on-Year (±%)
Export & Import Export Import Export & Import Export Import 
Total Value 115,380.7  61,989.4  53,391.3  -4.9 -4.7 -5.2
Ordinary Trade 69,131.1  36,482.5  32,648.6  -4.7 -4.3 -5.1
Free Assistance and Donated Materials between Countries/International Organizations 24.0  23.8  0.2  19.0 18.4 166.2
Other Donated Materials 43.6  17.6  26.0  - - -
Processing and Assembling Trade with Foreign-Supplied Materials 4,112.5  1,881.7  2,230.8  -10.3 -11.1 -9.7
Processing Trade with Imported Materials 23,582.9  15,509.9  8,073.0  -7.7 -9.1 -5.1
Frontier Petty Trade 854.9  631.5  223.4  -19.0 -19.1 -18.7
Processing Trade Imported Equipment 8.4  - 8.4  -24.4 - -24.4
Exports for Overseas Contracted Projects 326.3  326.3  - -18.6 -18.6 -
Leasing Trade 39.3  4.1  35.2  -77.5 -7.6 -79.3
Imported Equipment/Articles Invested by Foreign-Funded Enterprises  102.2  - 102.2  -39.9 - -39.9
Outward Processing Trade 17.8  10.7  7.2  14.6 63.0 -20.6
Duty-Free Foreign Exchange Commodities  1.5  - 1.5  47.8 - 47.8
Duty-Free Goods 58.6  - 58.6  -29.3 - -29.3
Entry and Exit Goods in Bonded Control Areas 4,984.6  1,388.2  3,596.4  -6.4 12.5 -12.1
Logistic Goods by Customs Special Control Areas 8,952.3  3,259.6  5,692.7  3.8 0.3 5.9
Imported Equipment by Customs Special Control Areas 297.8  - 297.8  18.2 - 18.2
Other 2,843.1  2,453.7  389.5  10.6 20.2 -26.5
Note: 1. From 2014, the customs statistics include "Duty-Free Goods".
         2. From 2018, "Compensation Trade", "Consignment Trade" and "Barter Trade" are included in "Other" item.

General Administrator of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730