(4) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, May 2022 (in USD)

(4) China's Total Export & Import Values by Country/Region, May 2022 (in USD)
Unit: USD1 Million
Import Source Export & Import Export Import 1-to-5 Total Year-on-Year (±%)
Export Destination 5 1-to-5 5 1-to-5 5 1-to-5 Export & Import Export Import
Total 537,735.6  2,514,681.1  308,244.9  1,402,569.2  229,490.7  1,112,111.9  10.3 13.5 6.6
  European Union 72,800.9  345,160.7  48,004.6  226,837.2  24,796.3  118,323.5  8.8  19.5  -7.1 
       of which: Germany 19,509.3  93,547.3  9,625.0  47,169.9  9,884.3  46,377.4  0.9  9.0  -6.2 
                 Netherlands 10,629.5  51,478.6  9,556.3  46,185.8  1,073.2  5,292.8  19.2  23.7  -9.6 
                 France 6,763.6  33,173.8  4,023.1  19,146.0  2,740.5  14,027.8  1.1  11.1  -10.1 
                 Italy 6,824.0  32,883.9  4,712.9  21,973.2  2,111.1  10,910.7  15.4  38.6  -13.6 
   United States (US) 67,837.7  313,570.0  51,953.5  236,858.1  15,884.2  76,711.9  12.2  15.1  4.0 
   ASEAN  81,796.2  371,214.9  49,344.4  211,549.5  32,451.8  159,665.3  10.2  14.1  5.4 
        of which: Vietnam 20,467.3  90,336.1  14,537.8  58,144.0  5,929.5  32,192.0  -2.4  2.2  -9.8 
                  Malaysia 16,059.1  77,708.6  7,663.7  34,701.7  8,395.4  43,006.9  16.7  26.2  10.0 
                  Thailand 12,053.6  54,671.7  6,847.6  31,026.1  5,206.0  23,645.6  6.0  15.2  -4.0 
                  Singapore 8,489.9  38,254.7  5,699.9  23,466.0  2,790.0  14,788.7  4.3  11.0  -4.7 
                  Indonesia 12,637.4  57,040.7  6,163.2  27,783.1  6,474.2  29,257.6  30.4  25.2  35.8 
                  Philippines 7,831.0  33,489.6  5,682.3  23,676.7  2,148.7  9,812.9  11.4  11.6  11.0 
   Japan 28,812.4  146,541.3  14,435.7  68,772.2  14,376.7  77,769.1  -1.6  3.7  -5.8 
   Hong Kong, China 24,430.7  118,136.2  24,005.0  115,589.7  425.7  2,546.5  -9.8  -9.0  -34.0 
   R. O. Korea 32,084.1  152,262.9  15,475.5  65,852.9  16,608.6  86,410.0  10.2  16.9  5.6 
   Taiwan, China 27,469.6  137,646.8  7,859.4  35,111.2  19,610.2  102,535.6  11.7  16.0  10.3 
   Australia 18,762.4  86,686.9  5,863.4  29,369.7  12,899.0  57,317.2  -2.7  21.6  -11.7 
   Russian Federation 14,593.1  65,813.0  4,324.1  24,559.1  10,269.0  41,253.9  28.9  7.2  46.5 
   India 11,438.3  54,005.2  9,907.1  46,230.2  1,531.2  7,774.9  12.1  28.9  -36.9 
   United Kingdom (UK) 8,425.8  41,671.5  6,695.8  31,733.8  1,729.9  9,937.7  -3.5  -2.5  -6.5 
   Canada 7,457.6  33,444.7  4,864.3  22,048.0  2,593.2  11,396.7  11.3  21.9  -4.7 
   New Zealand 2,312.3  10,884.0  751.7  3,528.4  1,560.5  7,355.7  8.3  15.3  5.3 
   Latin America 43,232.0  188,335.7  21,546.5  95,940.5  21,685.6  92,395.3  12.5  17.7  7.6 
         of which: Brazil 16,567.5  65,085.8  5,504.4  23,055.4  11,063.1  42,030.5  9.4  20.7  4.0 
   Africa 24,381.3  110,868.4  14,048.1  60,639.4  10,333.2  50,229.0  16.1  13.4  19.5 
         of which: South Africa 4,164.7  20,176.6  2,081.5  9,033.7  2,083.2  11,142.9  -3.1  19.3  -16.0 
1.The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) includes: Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam;
2.The European Union (EU) includes: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia;
3.From February 1, 2020, the EU trade value does not include UK data, with adjustment made in year-on-year data thereof.

General Administrator of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730