China-Mongolia Electronic Manifest Data Transmission Begins at Erenhot Port


On the morning of December 1, a freight forwarder declared to Erenhot Customs House (subordinate to Hohhot Customs District) for exporting one liquid-gas storage tank, weighing 20,200 kilograms, to Mongolia. When the loaded lorry passed the smart checkpoint for exit, electronic manifest data transmission system automatically extracted data from Customs manifest system, transport facility system and H2010 system and transmitted the data to Mongolia Customs. It was the first electronic transmission of manifest data between China Customs and Mongolia Customs, marking a major progress in bilateral cooperation on mutual exchange of information, mutual recognition of controls and mutual assistance of enforcement.  


An electronic manifest contains 18 data items covering all information on relevant vehicles and goods, more comprehensive than the data of corresponding paper manifest. Besides, the electronic transmission system makes a safer transmission approach. 


Under the joint control of both China Customs and Mongolia Customs, such uniform manifest is a great convenience for import and export businesses and transportation carriers and enhances customs clearance efficiency on both sides, playing a positive role in bilateral trade facilitation and risk prevention.   


Reportedly, electronic manifest data transmission will be promoted in January 2019 to 10 Mongolia-oriented ports located in Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang Regions; meanwhile, China Customs and Mongolia Customs are jointly advancing the second-phase work of their joint control in order to launch the “sharing safe smart lock” project as soon as possible.



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General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730